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#172 February 2022

Elvira Navarro         
Combining the gritty surrealism of David Lynch with the explosive interior meditations of Clarice Lispector, the stories in Elvira Navarro’s Rabbit Island traverse the fickle, often terrifying terrain between madness and freedom. In the title story, a so-called “non-inventor” conducts an experiment on an island inhabited exclusively by birds and is horrified by what the results portend.
Blas Ruiz Grau   
Blas Ruiz returns with a new whodunit thriller full of tension and originality. It’s an ordinary afternoon in a bustling mall. While the father waits at the door, the mother and the son disappear. Have they been kidnapped? Have they fled? How could they get out without anyone seeing them?.
José Luis Navajo 
In his new book, bestselling author Jose Luis Navajo weaves together stories of hopethat serve to bring us, the reader, healing to our wounded spirit.José Luis Navajo masterfully strings together stories of the unnamed persons in the Bible-People we only know as “the lepper”, “the daughter of…”, “the deamon possessed”,....
Gaby Pérez Islas   
This is a direct and practical manual of healing and growth. It is a nightstand thanatologist who will accompany you during all the stages of a mourning. But, above all, it is a book that will encourage you to find peace of mind and live ....

The writer Teresa Juvé publishes a new novel at the age of 101
The Cervantes Institute will collaborate with the Asociación Colegial de Escritores in promoting literature in Spanish
Barnes & Noble Bestsellers in Spanish
The journalist Vicente Vallés wins the Award Premio Primavera de Novela with a work of espionage
We feel the loss of Fernando Marías, who recently died in Madrid on February 5th, 2022
Denzel Washington  
American actor, director and producer.

Denzel Washington, like Tom Hanks or Jessica Lange, is one of those actors whose connection with the audience is such that the public follows him wherever he appears, practically anywhere.In this occasion he plays Joel Coen’s Macbeth,  where the filmmaker separates from his brother to direct a Shakespeare classic made unforgettable for the cinema by Orson Welles and Akira Kurosawa, as an unexpected detour in a cinematography hitherto defined by brotherhood.


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ARS Video: Instituto Cervantes -  Pilar de Valderrama: a woman's voice in Spanish literature», by Miguel Ángel Moratinos

ARS RADIO: Atlantic Express - The pioneer newspapers in Spanish in the United States

Children's Book
Abuelas, cada una a su manera 
Bea Taboada  
A tribute to all grandmothers, the most special love in the world. There are many names we can use to call our grandmothers: yaya, abu, granma, nona, granny … Just as there are also very different types of grandmothers. And they all take care of us, pamper us, and teach us. Each in her own way.


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